A Musical in the Time of Covid: Ride the Cyclone at Carthage College

Ride The Cyclone at Carthage College Cast on the second day of shooting This musical was a rollercoaster and yes that pun was intentional. A musical in the time of Covid! What were we thinking? When I chose RTC for Carthage's Music Theatre Workshop Show, I specifically wanted to feature some excellent senior MT majors AND focus on a show that was ensemble-driven. Getting this show approved by the dean was HARD because the cast is so small and often Music Theatre Workshop Shows are supposed to be a cast of 18-22 to get as many folks on stage as possible to work on roles and have show experience. Who knew that my obsession with this musical and my insistence on working with a small cast was going to be such a blessing? Who knew that this was the perfect musical to do during Covid? RTC, a show about the resilience of the human spirit in the face of senseless tragedy, is a musical for right NOW. From L to R: Christine Barreca, Matthew Wrbanek, Nate Myers, Anna Brow...